Now offering jewelry repair

Now offering jewelry repair
The Red Door Creations logo features the front door of Tara Barney's home. The red door represents the combination of her passion for both the arts and her home and family. Red Door Creations is a home based cottage industry featuring fine art and crafts by Tara Barney. Tara's fine art and crafts are featured in national and international collections.
We offer a variety of jewelry repair services such as restringing, replacing clasps and hooks, repairing beadwork, upcycling old jewelry and more!
Click on the "Events" tab in the Menu to view our upcoming shows.
Country Day Adventures is a children's story and activity book for preschools, daycares, and school-aged children up to second grade.
Follow the main character, Tara, as she spends a day exploring and creating in a rural setting in the Midwest of the United States. Trace the old farmhouse where Tara lives, make a shadow drawing, and meet Tara's pets. Children will learn to build a blanket fort, make a snack, create a mosaic art project and a paper plate craft. You can create a lesson plan from this book for an educational environment or the book can be used at home for a weekend's activities. Order your copy by hitting the red button on to the right of the logo on the home page.
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